Transitioning from employment to business can be daunting, but with the right mindset and approach, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience.

Times are tough; the economic hardship experienced in Kenya keeps hitting hard every day. For some, this may be made worse by job loss. Then some people are employed, but more than what they earn is needed to make ends meet. Both scenarios may push someone to take up doing business either full-time or on the side in a bid to pay the bills.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to transition from employment to business:

Identify your entry point:

You can start by identifying what you want to sell, offer or provide. This could be a product, service, or skill set you can monetize—research to determine the demand and competition in the market. Before expanding to a larger market, you can start selling to friends, family, and colleagues.

Evaluate the risks involved:

Every business venture comes with risks, such as financial risk, competition, legal and regulatory requirements, and market volatility. Could you evaluate these risks and develop a strategy to mitigate them?


You can adjust to your new role as a business owner. This may require learning new skills, networking, and managing finances. It would be best if you were open to change, adapt to the market, and be willing to try new things.

Sound management:

Proper management is essential for a successful business. Create a business plan, set goals, and establish metrics to measure your progress. Keep detailed records of your income and expenses, and regularly evaluate your financial statements to make informed decisions.

Learn on the go:

Entrepreneurship is a continuous learning process. Stay up to date with industry trends and best practices. Attend conferences, read books and blogs, and seek advice from mentors and peers.

Stabilize and grow your business:

Once you have established your business, focus on stabilizing and growing it. This may involve expanding your product or service offerings, increasing your customer base, improving your marketing strategies, and optimizing your operations.

Remember that transitioning from employment to business takes time, effort, and dedication. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; learn from them, and keep moving forward. With patience and perseverance, you can build a successful and profitable business.


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